“Perfectly Imperfect Art, Just Like Each of Us.”
— Carrie Lynn Certa
“When you find your path, you must not be afraid. You need to have sufficient courage to make mistakes.”
— Paolo Coelho, Author
Art By Mistake Welcomes Commissions
Fine Art
The texture of painted burlap extending from the canvas invites touch, making the work personal for the observer, but the choice of using burlap was much more personal for the artist. READ HERE
Pictured: The Story of 43
Pottery is better than being a kid! Not only do you get to play in mud but you can make a mess and no one is yelling at you to clean it up in the process! Even though I’ve been doing this for 2 years, I still call myself an amateur. I am a better hand-builder than I am at the wheel but now that I have my own wheel, there’s no excuse not to get better.